Gender Audit@ SACM:
Gender Audit is an important tool that is used at Saheed Anurup Chandra Mahavidyalaya (SACM) primarily keeping focus on Genter Equality and No Discrimination between boys and girls, men and women.
The college has an Equal Opportunity Cell alongwith Women Cell and IQAC Cell which mainly organizes many Gender Sensitization programmes, events to make the students aware of equal opportunity concept and gender audit tool.
Every year the Equal Opportunity Cell of the college takes initiative to do the Gender Audit among the students and also staff members.
Gender Equality is that state where every individual gets equal rights and opportunities. Every individual of the society yearns for equal opportunities, rights and status. However, it is a matter of fact that lots of inequalities exist between humans. Discrimination exists due to cultural, geographical differences and gender. Inequality based on gender is a concern prevalent in the entire modern world. Even in the 21st century, across the globe, men and women do not enjoy equal privileges. Gender Equality means providing equal opportunities to both men and women in economic, educational, health and political aspects.
Our college plays a pivotal role in promoting gender equality. Men and women are equally represented in administrative bodies, faculty, staff members, and of course, students. There is no gender-bias in classrooms, library, campus, canteen and common rooms. Female students are given sanitised toilet facilities, including napkin vending machines. They are equally represented in sports, curriculum, excursions and students' unions. So far in the college's history, there has been no known case of sexual harassment. Our classes finish well before sunset keeping in mind the safety of our girl students. We also organise gender-based awareness programmes. As well as workshops to make our girl students aware of increasing and new possibilities of employment. Annual Gender Sensitization programme are organized and Gender Audit is done.